In Valsesia there is one of the most beautiful canyoning routes: the Artogna stream, which flows into the valley of the same name, flowing into the Sesia just upstream of the town of Campertogno.
Here you can find everything that this new sport, canyoning, can offer. In this stream we find waterfalls, slides, natural toboggans dug into the rock by the millennial work of water, natural pools to be left without breath.
The route is challenging and very spectacular, characterized by numerous toboggans and slides up to 50 meters long. with passages carved into the rock of remarkable beauty. The stream flows in a wide bed bordered by woods and where it is always possible to go out. Recommended for those who have already experienced canyoning, the difficulty is medium/high.
Technical features
About 5-6 hours
Min. partecipants:
Minimum age:
15 y.o.
Required equipment:
Long-sleeved shirt in cotton, microfibre or technical fabric, sneakers or trekking boots, socks, bathing suit and shower accessories.
Provided equipment:
Neoprene wetsuit in dungarees 5 mm, water jacket in 5 mm neoprene, helmet, harness, ropes, carabiners, descenders and technical material provided.
Participants in river activities must have swimming skills and not suffer from vertigo, have no psycho-physical contraindications to the practice of sporting activities and follow the Center's rules (which must be signed for acceptance).