The castle rises on those that were the boundaries of defense of the ancient fortress since the XV century. It is found in the small and beautiful suburb of Labro, in the province of Rieti (Lazio).
The structure is still lived by the family Nobili Vitelleschi, the rooms are completely furnished, objects and pictures handed down of generation in generations. Of particular interest is the file of family, intact and particularly furnished of documents that tell the history of Labro and the family up to our days.
Will be possible to do a guided visit of the suggestive Castle.
If you want, also the possibility to have lunch inside the castle (in the yard or inside) with typical local dishes. You could choose between 2 type of menù (light lunch or complete lunch).
Technical features
About 4 hours
Min. partecipants:
Lunch inside the Castle - price per person:
Light lunch in the yard - price per person: