An ancient place with mysterious charm, a unique experience of its kind: welcome to the alchemist's laboratory.
In the alchemical laboratory you will have the opportunity to know the thought of an ancient discipline, which bases its origins on the research of Philosopher's Stone, the stone that can ensure the elixir of long life, provide absolute knowledge and transmute metals into gold.
The most "modern" vision of alchemy, introduced in the 15th century by Paracelsus, is linked to spagyric medicine, the art of preparing, through the separation and union of the active principles of plants, remedies for any therapy.
In the laboratory you will know the properties and use of each part of the plant, you can make elixirs, oils, fragrances, candles and soaps guided by the wisdom and skill of modern alchemists!
An experience not to be missed!
Technical features
3 hours
Min. partecipants:
Minimum age:
12 years
Required equipment:
Provided equipment:
Ingredients, handouts, certificate of participation