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TernInPresepe: in the lands of San Francesco
  • Novembre 13, 2018
  • Miriam
  • 1597
Events & exhibition

TernInPresepe: in the lands of San Francesco

In the lands of San Francesco TerninPresepe returns, the event that from 8 December 2018 to 6 January 2019 will enliven the Christmas of the city of Terni.
TernInPresepe is a project that aims to enhance the traditional artistic nativity scene and related themes, through the artistic reproduction of the birth of Jesus and the promotion of the universal values that this brings with it. The initiative takes place in the city of Terni, a direct witness to the presence of St. Francis: it was the first to "enter" in the crib during the famous Christmas night of Greccio 1223.
The 2018-2019 edition of TerninPresepe will see two great exhibitions: the first in the frame of the ancient church of San Cassiano, today known as 'Cenacolo San Marco' which will host an unprecedented exhibition of cribs made by the crib members entitled "Scorci di Terni Antica" and the other in the evocative of the Diocesan Museum and Capitular of Terni a few steps from the Cathedral, where it will be possible to admire a group of cribs created by the new crib members, cribs made in some city schools and at the District House of Terni.
Discover the streets and alleys of the historic center of Terni and look for the Nativity scene in the numerous windows that have joined PresepInVetrina.
The TernInPresepe event also includes concerts of traditional music and "soundtracks" of the Christmas period, which will animate the most beautiful moments of the holidays and various initiatives for adults and children.