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Skydiving: what it is and how it is born
  • March 16, 2020
  • Riccardo
  • 1173
Outdoor activities

Skydiving: what it is and how it is born

Parachutism is a sport (or military) discipline, which consists in jumping from high altitudes, usually thanks to transport by plane or helicopter, using a parachute as a tool to slow the fall and allow a safe landing in a predetermined area.

Such an idea could only be of the great Leonardo da Vinci, who before anyone else thought of an instrument similar to an inverted cone, which had been able to slow the fall of a body immersed in a fluid. Several centuries later, more precisely at the end of the First World War, the first pioneers of skydiving began to register. Paved the way for a very significant and faster evolution of human flight techniques combined with parachutes. The increasingly modern and technological materials, the study of winds and currents, combined with a growing interest by enthusiasts and not, have made it a very popular discipline in the last 20 years.

If you are interested in the subject, you may also be interested in how to practice parachuting and the techniques and origins of parachuting.