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Christmas Menu in Umbria
  • Dicembre 14, 2019
  • Miriam
  • 1725
Food & wine

Christmas Menu in Umbria

Umbria is a region rich in flavours and ancient gastronomic traditions linked to the land, to the rural world and to simple flavours.
The result of an Umbrian menu is extraordinarily delicious because it is seasoned with extra virgin olive oil of excellent quality and combined with excellent wines.
On a Christmas table you can not miss appetizers of typical meats, cheeses and sheep's milk cheeses, croutons of olive pate or chicken livers.

Christmas Menu in Umbria

As first course that are strangozzi, ciriole, manfricoli, pici, umbricelli (small variations of the same homemade pasta made from water and flour), agnolotti (stuffed pasta) or pappardelle there will be a meat sauce, wild boar or truffle, before the traditional broth with cappelletti.

In Umbria the tradition of the second meat varies from country to country: lamb scottadito or breaded ribs, stuffed pigeon, game like guinea fowl alla leccarda or pheasant in salmì ... of course accompanied by stewed sausages and lentils of Castelluccio!

In addition to the typical sweets of the Italian tradition there will be the traditional Panpepato of Terni, the sweet macaroni with cinnamon and walnuts, the Pinoccate Perugine of melted sugar, the Rocciata (or Attorta Spoletina) whose filling vaguely recalls the strudel.